Why does a decorative ferret bite and how to wean it from it

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Ferrets have long been transformed from wild predators into pets. These small animals are kept in some houses, like cats. The ferret catches mice, loves to play with people and can be trained to walk in the litter box. But even the domesticated ferret breed - the ferret - is capable of biting or scratching its owner. In a single case, such behavior is not scary: the animal could simply experience a nervous shock and begin to defend itself. But how to wean a ferret from biting, if this has become the norm for a predator?

How to stop a ferret from biting

How to stop a ferret from biting

In this case, the cause of the aggression should be determined and a set of disciplinary measures should be taken. But at the same time, remember that you cannot punish the animal: ferrets are very vindictive, but they are still predators, albeit small ones.

Ferrets behavior

Most often, the reason why the ferret bites is due to natural instincts. With the help of their teeth, cubs learn about the world and learn to defend their territory.

The games of young ferrets in their natural habitat may seem tough, but this is how they acquire the skills of hunting and self-defense. Aggression increases in young predators due to a surge in hormones. This usually occurs in the first month of their life. You should not have a second animal during this period of the ferret's life: the young can arrange a real massacre. Adults can also show aggression, but in smaller numbers.

The male bites the withers of the female during the hunt. Also, directly during mating, the ferret firmly holds the female by the withers with its teeth. In this place, the skin of predators is arranged like that of cats, and strong bites do not harm them.

These animals prefer to kill their victims with a quick and powerful bite in the neck, therefore, if a predator tries to grab an arm or a leg, attacks from an ambush, it means that he sees a victim in you. This behavior should be corrected immediately, otherwise the animal will have to be kept exclusively in a locked state.

Other reasons for ferret bites include:

  • active games that awaken hunting instincts in the animal;
  • a change of scenery;
  • distrust of strangers;
  • the struggle for power over the territory.

Usually, the domestic ferret does not bite often, since this breed was specially bred for peaceful coexistence with humans. But it should be remembered that even the ancestors of ferrets were wild predators, so natural instincts sometimes prevail over the animal.

Many people mistakenly believe that it is impossible to wean a ferret from biting at home, since the animal does not have intelligence. However, it is not. These predators are social animals that understand a lot. To wean the animal from showing aggression, a special set of measures should be taken, depending on the cause of the bites.

Methods for correcting animal behavior

Do ferrets bite ornamental pets? First of all, it should be noted that even in the wild, ferrets do not bite all the time.

In childhood, the female teaches them to calculate the bite strength, which for bad behavior can firmly pat the puppy by the withers. In a home environment, the pet owner or breeder should do this. An animal can inflict the first serious bites after 4 weeks of life. Before that, the puppy's jaws are still very weak. When the predator is one month old, its teeth are already quite sharp, and its mouth muscles are strong.

The animal may not realize that it clenches its jaw too tightly if it is not explained to it in time. In adulthood, it will be almost impossible to wean a ferret from biting. Animals on large farms or at inexperienced owners can often show aggression, because in the first months of life they were not explained how to behave.

Before weaning a ferret from biting, the cause of the behavior should be determined, since the methods for correcting behavior differ from each other. In some situations, you should be severely reprimanded, in some - to show affection.

Active games

The most common cause of bites is the ferret's agitation and playfulness. Even domestic breeds love to hunt rodents, so active play can awaken predator instincts in an animal.

It manifests itself as a constant attempt to jump on a person, attack from the side, or bounce in one place with a grunt. This is how the young horyats play with their relatives and try to play with the owner, in whom they see the parental figure.

How to stop a ferret from biting if agitated behavior is the cause? In this case, the methods of influencing the animal look like this:

  • stop the game by loudly saying the word "No" or "No";
  • Stop giving your ferret some attention.
  • put the animal in a cage for half an hour so that it calms down.

Usually, these measures work well for young ferrets, allowing the naughty cub to recover. If the animal continues to be aggressive, then you can lift it by the withers and shake it slightly. For the ferret, this procedure is harmless, but in this way the female calms down active cubs, instincts will work.

Under no circumstances should the animal be beaten or thrown away. This can lead to the ferret becoming embittered and retaliating. Better to hold him by the scruff for a few minutes and give a strict lecture. A measured voice will well soothe a raging pet and make it clear that it is better not to do this. If you are afraid of hurting your ferret with such disciplinary actions, then watch the training video.

Change of habitual habitat

In the first days after buying an animal, the ferret may experience a nervous shock and react aggressively to the owner. The animal is not yet accustomed to new smells, so it should be left alone for a few days and allowed to get used to it.

In this case, the manifestation of aggression is not a threat to the person. This is the animal's self-defense mechanism, which works in any incomprehensible environment.

If the animal is nervous, it is better to let it come to its senses. During feeding and playing, you should call the animal by name and speak affectionately with it.

In a couple of weeks, the animal will get used to the new living conditions and will not bite. Sometimes the ferret shows aggression when changing surroundings. For example, during repairs or just moving furniture. This is also a natural process for an animal: in nature, pets are extremely jealous of their burrows and do not tolerate change. You can distract the predator with a tasty meal or a new toy.

Fear of man

If the ferret does not trust the owner, you should be patient. It is required to monitor the behavior of the animal: if the animal often cries out, bounces to the far corner of the cage, or has a fluffed tail, the animal is afraid of you.

You can gain the ferret's trust, but the process will take some time. First of all, the conditions of detention should be reviewed. The animals do not tolerate loud noises and strong odors very well.There should be no speakers, TV or radio near the cage. It is important to avoid spraying air fresheners near the predator's home. Aggressive chemistry can cause a ferret to become nervous.

You need to gradually train your ferret to hand. You should not make sudden movements and attempts to take the ferret in your arms against his will. First of all, you can start handing food to the animal. So the ferret will get used to the smell of a person more quickly. However, it is better to wear strong gloves in the early days, since the animal is still able to bite the owner unfamiliar to him.

It is necessary to comb out and stroke the animal more often when it allows. Ferrets value self-respect very much. You cannot punish the animal physically: if the ferret bit you out of fear, then the punishment will only push him away even more.

You can grease your hands with a bitter herbal infusion to make it unpleasant for your pet to bite them. This method is often used by experienced breeders.

Do not constantly use gloves when working with animals. The ferret will get used to the fact that the skin does not feel pain and it will be almost impossible to wean him from biting.

The hierarchy of animals in the house

Ferrets sometimes bite hard if they want to compete for power, like dogs or cats. The pet has good intelligence and can check how far it is allowed to go. Most often, this behavior can be observed in young ferrets from 3 to 6 months.

How to wean a ferret from biting if he is fighting for leadership in the house? An effective method against such behavior is a set of punishments and rewards. If the ferret behaves well and reacts to prohibitions, then you should give him a treat or let him walk around the apartment. With increased aggression, the animal must be locked in a cage or shaken by the scruff of the neck.

Diseases as a cause of bites

Sometimes, with various diseases, the animal hurts from touching, so it can scream and bite the stroking hand. If there are no other reasons for aggressive behavior, the ferret is restless and does not allow a person to approach him, then you should contact a veterinarian.

This behavior can be the first sign of illness. In this case, only the intervention of a specialist will help. First you need to relieve the puss of discomfort and then wean you off biting.

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