Description of Annushka pear

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Pear Annushka is one of the most popular pear crops of our time. Due to the speed of ripening, good indicators of taste and commercial quality, it has become a favorite of many gardeners in the country.

Description of Annushka pear

Description of Annushka pear

Description of the variety

The Annushka pear variety was bred in Russia. To obtain this species, breeders crossed the Petite Michurin and the American Williams. The tree is distinguished by high yield rates and unpretentious care.

According to the description, the height of the tree is up to 3 m. The crown is wide, oval in shape. Shoots are characterized by a straight structure and medium thickness. The green leaves are oval and have a matte surface.

Fruit characteristics:

  • oval shape;
  • weight up to 150 g;
  • the peduncle is dense, straight;
  • the color is yellow, with a slight blush.

Taste and application

The pulp of the fruit is green. Its increased juiciness is noted. The taste is sweet, pleasant, without bitterness. Each fruit contains up to 11% sugar, 1% acid and 3% ascorbic acid.

Annushka pears are suitable for universal use: they produce fresh fruit salads and delicious juices, can be used for making compotes, preserves and preservation.

Growing features

You should decide on the right place to land. The ideal option would be fertile soil, with a low acid and alkali content (up to 4%). The best yields are observed in well-lit areas. Due to the fact that this species belongs to self-fertile crops, it is not necessary to plant other pollinators next to it.

2 weeks before planting, you need to dig a hole, measuring 60x90 cm.About 3 kg of humus should be poured on the bottom and poured with 5 liters of water. This will nourish the soil with the right amount of trace elements. After the specified time, you can insert the purchased seedling into the hole. He must be healthy, without damage. The roots are leveled along the entire perimeter of the hole, after which they are carefully sprinkled with earth. After filling the hole, you need to water it with 10 liters of warm water and drive in a peg to tie the seedling to the support.

Care advice

Fertilizers and feeding will protect against pests

Fertilizers and feeding will protect against pests

It is not difficult to care for this variety of pear crops:

  1. Before flowering, the plant should be watered with a phosphoric solution (40 g of superphosphate per 10 liters of water).
  2. During fruiting, water with potassium compounds (50 g of potassium nitrate per 10 liters of warm water).
  3. To prepare the plant for winter frosts, you need to tightly cover the soil adjacent to the seedling with 5 kg of humus.

It is important to regulate the quality of irrigation, which is carried out once a week. In the morning or evening, in order to avoid moisture evaporation, you need to pour 15-20 liters of warm water under each bush. After irrigation, after 3-4 days, it is advisable to loosen the top layer of the earth and remove all weeds. In the spring, you need to remove all diseased parts of the tree, and in the fall, thin out its crown.

Pests and diseases

Despite the variety's resistance to scab and root rot, powdery mildew can cause problems.You can get rid of it by spraying the tree with Bordeaux liquid (3 mg per 10 liters of water). Processing is carried out every 7-10 days.

Among the parasites, the moth and aphids should be noted.

  1. Oxyhom is an effective remedy against aphids. It should be diluted in a ratio of 30 mg of the drug per 10 liters of warm water. The affected tree is sprayed with an interval of 10 days until the parasites are completely destroyed.
  2. The moth should be fought by spraying with a manganese solution (3 mg per 5 l of water).


Annushka is considered an excellent option for planting in all regions of the country. If you take good care of it, then even the most severe frosts will not be able to damage the root system. To grow a healthy and fertile tree, you should always monitor the planting and care system, because the quality of the crop depends only on your efforts. By following the recommendations, you can enjoy juicy and sweet fruits.

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