Shelf life of champignons in the refrigerator

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Of all the known edible mushrooms, champignon is perhaps the most popular. He is also the most accessible. Delicate in taste, slightly crunchy and very aromatic mushrooms have firmly occupied their niche among the most popular food products. Very often, lack of time forces us to purchase products for future use. If everything is clear with meat or vegetables, then with regard to mushrooms there are some problems and concerns. And then the question arises: what is needed so that storing mushrooms in the refrigerator does not affect their taste and freshness? How to keep the wonderful mushroom flavor? This is quite simple to do, following the advice given below.

Shelf life of champignons in the refrigerator

Shelf life of champignons in the refrigerator

Raw storage

Mushrooms are hygroscopic, they very quickly absorb water and odors. Excessive moisture can lead to dark spots, mold and putrefaction. This must be taken into account before sending the product for storage in the refrigerator. If there is a suspicion that there is excess moisture in the mushrooms, they should be left to dry for a while. In addition, there are nuances that you also need to know about:

  • choose only the freshest mushrooms with a clean, intact cap and dense stem;
  • it is desirable that the diameter of the cap does not exceed 5 cm; the presence of dried skin or wrinkles on the body of the mushroom is also unacceptable;
  • the plates should be pink, covered with a thin skin, its absence signals to the buyer that the mushrooms are already overripe and have lost a number of useful properties and taste;
  • they must have a specific, mushroom smell. Be dry and tight, spring back when pressed slightly. The presence of mucus or foreign odors is unacceptable.

If the temperature regime is 4 - 6 ° C (vegetable shelf), fresh mushrooms are stored in the refrigerator for up to 5-7 days.

To prevent the mushrooms from spoiling and darkening, do not wash them before laying them. It is enough to lightly clean darkened or stained areas with a knife. It is better to use separate trays or paper bags for storage and observe the commercial neighborhood: being near apples (for example) will entail the appearance of an extraneous aroma during the cooking process.

Irina Selyutina (Biologist):

We know from personal experience that mushrooms are a perishable product and that proper temperature conditions are essential for its successful storage. As it turned out, after cutting, the mushroom can continue to grow. To stop this process, it must be cooled to a temperature of + 2 ... + 4 ° C. In this case, the mushrooms can be stored for up to 5 days. If the ambient temperature is + 10 ° C, then the shelf life is sharply reduced to 2 days. But if the temperature is at + 18 ° C, storage is limited to only 6 hours. Therefore, in the summer season, when the temperature is much higher than + 18 ° C, you need to be especially careful when choosing mushrooms, because they may already be spoiled from the start.

In the refrigerating chamber, mushrooms and other mushrooms are usually stored on the lower shelf - in the vegetable compartment.Mushrooms are a rather delicate product and do not tolerate excessive pressure. Therefore, they need to be laid out only in one layer at the bottom of the container. Cover the top with a cotton cloth or paper napkins. If you prefer storing the product in a paper bag or cloth bag, then, accordingly, you do not need to cover them with an additional napkin or towel.

It should be remembered that fresh champignons emit carbon dioxide (in the process of breathing), therefore, it is necessary to periodically open the package to remove its excess, because the applied ventilation will keep the product fresh for a longer period. High humidity will also not have the best effect on quality. Mushrooms can start growing right in the bag.

Freezer storage

After freezing, some of the taste will be lost. But this is the only way to keep the mushrooms fresh, when it becomes clear that you will not be able to eat everything, there are too many remaining mushrooms and you need to extend the shelf life as much as possible.

Mushrooms can be stored in the freezer for up to six months.

Mushrooms can be stored in the freezer for up to six months.

The algorithm of actions when selecting mushrooms for further freezing is similar to the previous one. It consists in the following: a thorough examination for damage and identification of damaged areas. They should be carefully trimmed. Further:

  • rinse with running water;
  • leave for a few minutes on a paper towel or napkin to drain excess water, blot with a napkin;
  • cutting into thin strips, small mushrooms can be left intact;
  • packing in separate bags.

Each sachet should contain the amount required for a single use. As needed, you can always get the right amount and use immediately after defrosting. In this form, mushrooms can be stored in the refrigerator for up to six months or more in a freezer at a temperature of -6 ° or below.

Quick freezing with further support of the selected temperature regime guarantees good preservation, but it is better to use packages with mushrooms early, long-term storage may not have the best effect on the taste. Re-freezing is not allowed - the taste will be spoiled.

Storage after heat treatment

It is not necessary to store mushrooms raw in the refrigerator. They can be fried in vegetable oil, cooled and placed in the freezer. Or boil in slightly salted water (not for long, about 15 minutes, so as not to darken), strain, rinse with cold water and let stand for a while (so that the excess liquid is gone). Then pack it in trays and send it to the refrigerator. This will save space, because thermally processed mushrooms will take up much less space.

Some housewives turn fried champignons through a meat grinder and store a ready-made semi-finished product for mushroom pâté or as a filling for pies. It doesn't matter what kind of processing the mushrooms have undergone.

The unified rule remains the time during which they need to be eaten:

  • in a freezer: 30-40 days;
  • on the top shelf of the refrigerator: 24 hours

At any time, you can take mushrooms out of the refrigerator, the shelf life of which has not yet expired, send them to the microwave and get a ready-made and tasty product.


As you can see, champignons are stored in the refrigerator for a long time, but it all depends on how fresh and high-quality they were at the time of purchase. No special conditions or packaging is required. It is enough to be guided by the above tips and common sense and you will practically always have a gourmet product at your fingertips. Champignons grown in artificial conditions can be eaten raw, can be fried without prior boiling. They are great as a stand-alone dish or as an additional ingredient in a salad. The main thing is freshness.

Even the freshest and safest mushroom can be harmful if stored improperly.This is especially true of semi-finished products and champignons collected in the wild, because not all territories in which they grow can be classified as environmentally friendly and safe.

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